Scarred Hearts / Inimi cicatrizate
hraný • fiction / 2016 / Rumunsko, Nemecko • Romania, Germany / far. • col. / 141 min.
Réžia • Director: Radu Jude
Scenár • Screenplay: Radu Jude
Kamera • Photography: Marius Panduru
Strih • Editor: Cătălin Cristuţiu
Hrajú • Cast: Lucian Teodor Rus, Ivana Mladenovic, Ilinca Hărnut, Şerban Pavlu, Marian Olteanu, Alexandru Dabija, Dana Voicu, Bogdan Cotleţ, Adina Cristescu, Marius Damian, Sarra Tsorakidis, Larisa Crunţeanu
Dvadsiatnika Emanuela, pacienta s tuberkulózou kostí, prijmú v lete 1937 do sanatória na brehu Čierneho mora. Liečenie spočíva v bolestivých vpichoch do miechy, ktoré ho pripútajú v sadre na lôžko. Postupom času si Emanuel zvykne na clivosť svojho nového života a zisťuje, že aj v sanatóriu sa dá žiť naplno. Nájde si priateľov a zapája sa do rozhovorov, väčšinou o politike. Číta, píše, fajčí a pije, rozpráva sa s lekármi, so sestričkami aj sanitármi. Pozoruje proces liečenia, ktorý sa zdanlivo odohráva z momentu na moment a riadi sa tajomnými pravidlami: niektorým pacientom sa stav zlepšuje, iným zhoršuje, ďalší umrú. Kým v sanatóriu má dokonca aj románik, vonkajší svet mu nemá veľmi čo ponúknuť, keďže z Rumunska sa postupne stáva extrémne pravicová spoločnosť... Film získal Zvláštnu cenu poroty a Cenu Dona Quijota na MFF Locarno 2016.
During the summer of 1937, Emanuel, a young man in his early 20ies, is committed to a sanatorium on the Black Sea coast for treatment of his bone tuberculosis. The treatment consists of painful spine punctures that confine him to a plaster on a stretcher-bed. Little by little, as Emanuel gets accustomed to the sadness of his new life, he discovers that inside the sanatorium there is still a life to be lived to the fullest. He makes friends and engages in conversations, political for the most part. He reads, he writes, he smokes and drinks, interacts with doctors, nurses and stretcher-bearers. He observes how healing seems to be happening transiently, following mysterious laws: some patients get better, some worse, others die. He even has a romantic relationship, while outside Romania doesn’t have much to offer him, turning more and more into an extreme right-wing society... The film won the Special Jury Prize and the Don Quixote Award at Locarno IFF in 2016.