The Flower Shop / La fleurière


fiction / 2017 / Belgium, Slovakia / col. / 78 min.

Director: Ruben Desiere
Screenplay: Ruben Desiere
Photography: Ruben Desiere
Editor: Elias Grootaers
Cast: Tomáš Balog, Rastislav Vaňo, Vladimír Balázs, Bartolomej Mroč

In the back room of a flower shop, Tomi, Rasto and Mižu are digging a tunnel in view of breaking into a bank vault. After heavy rainfall, the underground maze gets submerged by water and they are momentarily forced to stop working. What on paper presents itself as a typical heistmovie in which we see the heroes hatching a plan and pulling off the job, turns out to be a different kind of spectacle: one in which tension does not derive from a cause-and-effect chain of actions but from the potentiality that slowly finds itself fixed in gazes, etched on faces, inscribed in bodies’ gestures and voices. Instead of weaving a tightly constructed series of calculated shortcuts between the projection of ends and their accomplishment, and instead of crafting beautiful shots or masterly phrases to make up for the vacuity of waiting, Ruben Desiere takes interest in the experience of the wait itself. (Source: courtisane)